Patreon Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop 24: Thrifty Before Thrifty Was Cool
In this episode, we learn not to tangle with the women of Earlswood, that love can grow in the darkest of places, and that those apples aren’t real apples.
In this episode, we learn not to tangle with the women of Earlswood, that love can grow in the darkest of places, and that those apples aren’t real apples.
S02E09: Recycled silk parachutes and garments made from escape and evade maps. Honestly, what’s hotter than lingerie made from the very map that helped your hot RAF pilot boyfriend escape the Nazis? Nothing! The romance novel practically writes itself.
Weird graves: Don’t want your dirty little secrets beautifully carved, and publicly displayed? Better stay out of Romania.
S02E08: Interesting epitaphs and headstone symbology. Thanks to chisels, stone, and, for some reason, zebras, the dead don’t need to be ghosts to communicate with the living!
(If you can explain the zebras, please get in touch. We’re so confused.)
Cryogenics: So, are there just, like, a bunch of frozen bodies all hanging out together somewhere?