Hello, and welcome to the Season 2, Episode 15 of the Bones & Bobbins Podcast!
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The Bones & Bobbins Podcast, Season 2, Episode 15: Make All the Bones About It
S02E15: Catacomb saints and the Sedlec Ossuary.
Here for all of your bejeweled skeleton and fancy skull garland needs!
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Show Notes:
Here are links to the sources and resources we used while researching this episode:
Links to research materials:
Catacomb Saints:
- Heavenly Bodies: Cult Treasures & Spectacular Saints from the Catacombs, by Paul Koudounaris: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/17573865-heavenly-bodies
- The Protestant Reformation: https://www.britannica.com/summary/Reformation
- Catacomb saints: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catacomb_saints
- Meet the Fantastically Bejeweled Skeletons of Catholicism’s Forgotten Martyrs: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/meet-the-fantastically-bejeweled-skeletons-of-catholicisms-forgotten-martyrs-284882/
Sedlec Ossuary:
- Seldlec Info flier distributed when visiting: https://www.sedlec.info/pdf/text-kostnice-en.pdf
- Artsy Black & White Short Movie Made in 1970:
- Official Web Site: https://sedlecossuary.com/
Further Reading:
- The Empire of Death: A Cultural History of Ossuaries and Charnel Houses: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11488672-the-empire-of-death