Hello, and welcome to the Season 3, Episode 03 of the Bones & Bobbins Podcast!
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The Bones & Bobbins Podcast, Season 3, Episode 03: Stick a Pin in It
S03E03: Entomology (insect collecting) and the taxidermy of Walter Potter.
Some people like academic displays with carefully labeled insects, some like kitten weddings. Who are we to judge?Support the show:
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Show Notes:
Here are links to the sources and resources we used while researching this episode:
Links to research materials:
Entomology: Insect Collecting:
- The Entomology Collection at the Smithsonian: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/research/entomology
- A virtual tour of the Smithsonian’s Entomology collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bhEV1sGBwU&list=PLQmxS2U3B6KaJJPo-U234PnbWlpnaNSbC
- Search the Smithsonian’s Department of Entomology Collections: https://collections.nmnh.si.edu/search/ento/
- A VERY thorough insect collecting how-to from UC Davis: https://bohart.ucdavis.edu/how-to-collect-insects.html
- Texas A&M City Bug Collecting Guide: https://citybugs.tamu.edu/factsheets/resources/ent-5001/
- Insect Collecting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insect_collecting#:~:text=Insect%20collecting%20refers%20to%20the,make%20and%20maintain%20insect%20collections.
- Scarab Beetles: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/facts/scarabs
Walter Potter:
- Short Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED2RQPqg1AA
- Walter Potter’s Curious World of Taxidermy by Pat Harris https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18487253-walter-potter-s-curious-world-of-taxidermy
- Victorian Studies Vol. 53, No. 1 (Autumn 2010), pp. 7-35 Paralytic Animation: The Anthropomorphic Taxidermy of Walter Potter: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/victorianstudies.53.1.7#metadata_info_tab_contents
- Guardian Article: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/gallery/2013/sep/13/curious-world-walter-potter-pictures-taxidermist-victorian
- Vanity Fair Photo Gallery: https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/photos/2014/04/walter-potter-taxidermy-photos
Further Reading:
- Taxidermy Art: A Rogue’s Guide To The Work, The Culture, and How To Do It Yourself : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20862411-taxidermy-art