Hello, and welcome to Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop, the Bones & Bobbins Patreon-only mini-episode!
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Patreon Dispatches from the Curiosity Shop 38: Forget Frankincense and Myrrh: A Gift Guide for Delightful Weirdos
In this gift-themed episode, we’ll tell you about our favorite oddities, including Rainbow Brite tarot prints, teeny tiny little worlds, and some truly fascinating things that can be done with a potato.
Curiosity Shop Show Notes:
Here are links to the sources and resources we used while researching this episode:
Links to research materials:
Natali’s Gift Guide:
- Potato Face: https://www.anonymouspotato.com/products/potato-face
- Cheese Bust: https://whisps.com/products/custom-object-portrait
- Christmas Card from Hell? https://www.jokergreeting.com/collections/greeting-card/products/endless-meowy-christmas
- Dioramas of Cryptids & Weirdness: https://www.etsy.com/shop/StrangeLittleLands
- Crafting with Cat Hair: https://www.alibris.com/search/books/isbn/9781594745256?browse=1&mtype=B
- Human (FAKE) Skull Tie Tack: https://www.etsy.com/listing/776249413/gift-for-him-human-skull-tie-tack?ref=shop_home_active_6&crt=1
- History Bones: https://historybones.com/shop
- Framed Spider Web: https://www.creativecinderella.com/listing/1109718706/real-spider-web-preserved-spider-web
- Qoobo: https://qoobo.info/index-en/
- Gothic Eye Wall Plaques: https://www.etsy.com/listing/675498734/eye-sculpture-art-black-goth-decor
- Amazon sells Uranium: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000796XXM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?&linkCode=sl1&tag=studentrateco-20&linkId=cd10ca9a65b0a2662a80def41cc6dc00
Haley’s Gift Guide:
- Witchcraft: The Library of Esoterica: https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/art/all/08019/facts.witchcraft_the_library_of_esoterica.htm
- Astrology: The Library of Esoterica: https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/art/all/08004/facts.astrology_the_library_of_esoterica.htm
- Tarot: The Library of Esoterica: https://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/art/all/08003/facts.tarot_the_library_of_esoterica.htm
- Stemcell Science Shop: https://stemcelltulsa.com
- Spooky Patreon Memberships:
- Courtney Lane: Hairwork: https://www.patreon.com/NeverForgotten/posts
- Christine McConnell: https://www.patreon.com/ChristineHMcConnell/posts
- Writual Planner: https://writualplanner.com
- She Can Lift a Horse Tarot Art Prints:
- Addams Family (the lovers): The Lovers VI – Tarot Card Art – 5×7 art print, hand-cut and mounted card $18.50 12 people have this in their cart
- Leia (the Emperor): The Emperor IV – Tarot Card Art – 5×7 art print, hand-cut and mounted card $18.50 Only 2 left
- Stormy (the sun reversed): The Sun XIX Reversed – Tarot Card Art – 5×7 art print, hand-cut and mounted card $18.50 3 people have this in their cart
Further Reading:
- Nothing to see this time!
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